

Interview about BLOG動画を追加

1. Have you ever made your own blog before this class?
No→all of them

2. What did you care when you make blog?
They answere太字d interesting story, finding collect information, grammar.

3. Did you use English site?
Yes→all of them

4. What is your favorite article?
2 people answered “Festival”
2 people answered “Summer Vacation”
1people answered “New Zealand”

5. Did you often check your friend’s blog?
Yes→2 people
No→3 people

6. Did you use easy words and interesting picture?
Yes→all of them

7. Did you update to your blog except class?
Yes→2 people
No→3 people

8. Did you enjoy making blog?
Yes→4 people
No→1 people

I enjoyed making my BLOG!!

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